Foundations of Hermeticism

Hermeticism is rooted in the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus.

Hermeticism encompasses alchemy, astrology, and divination, offering insights into the interconnectedness of all things and the pursuit of inner enlightenment.

Hermetic wisdom explores cosmic principles, the nature of time and space, and the mysteries of the divine, uncovering hidden forces that shape our reality.


The seven Hermetic principles are Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause & Effect, and Gender. 


“The principles of truth are seven; He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open.”

– The Kyballion

Hermes Trismegistus

The “Enigma”

Hermes Friend hiatus bridges the gap between celestial realms and earthly beings, connecting a link between the spiritual realms and the human realm.

Hermes Trismegistus, as a figure in esoteric knowledge, is believed to possess the ability to traverse and understand both realms. This connection allows for the communication, exchange, and transmission of wisdom, knowledge, and guidance from higher realms to earthly beings. By bridging this gap, Hermes Trismegistus serves as a conduit for accessing higher spiritual truths and insights that can aid individuals in their pursuit of enlightenment and understanding.

There is a connection and interdependence between the spiritual and physical dimensions of existence, and that through this unity, a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe can be attained.

Heremes & Alchemy

Alchemy, an integral part of hermetic wisdom, is a profound practice that explores the transformation of matter and the purification of the soul.

Hermetic transformation of Matter & Soul

In ancient Hermeticism, the hermetic transformation of Matter and Soul was practiced as a means of spiritual development and attainment of higher consciousness. It involved the understanding and application of certain principles and practices that aimed to purify and refine both the physical and spiritual aspects of an individual.

Hermeticism & The Craft

The Hermetic tradition viewed the world as a reflection of the divine, with a belief that everything is interconnected. The transformation of Matter and Soul was seen as a process of harmonizing and aligning oneself with the divine order of the universe.

To achieve this transformation, ancient Hermeticists emphasized the cultivation of virtues, the study of spiritual texts, contemplation, meditation, and the use of ritual and symbolism. They believed in the transmutation of matter and the transfiguration of the soul, guiding individuals towards enlightenment and the realization of their true nature.

The practice of hermetic transformation involved a combination of inner alchemy and spiritual discipline. Through the purification and refinement of one’s thoughts, emotions, and actions, practitioners sought to transcend the limitations of the material world and attain unity with the divine.

Rooted in the belief that the physical and spiritual realms are intertwined, alchemy seeks to uncover the secrets of nature and harness its hidden forces to achieve spiritual enlightenment. By transmuting base metals into gold and creating the Philosopher’s Stone, alchemists strive to unlock the divine essence within themselves and attain a higher understanding of the universe.

Hermetic Astrology

Astrology holds a significant place within Hermeticism, as it is believed to provide insights into the interconnectedness of the cosmos and the workings of the universe. In Hermetic astrology, celestial bodies and their positions are seen as symbolic representations of cosmic principles and archetypal forces that influence the human experience. By studying the movements and alignments of celestial bodies, Hermetic practitioners seek to gain a deeper understanding of the energetic patterns that shape our lives and the potential influences these celestial forces may have on individual destinies.

Ultimately, astrology within Hermeticism serves as a tool for self-reflection, guidance, and aligning with the universal harmonies that govern the spiritual and material realms.

Hermetic Divination

Hermetic divination is a practice within Hermeticism that involves seeking guidance, insight, and understanding through various methods of divination. It is believed that through these divinatory practices, individuals can tap into the universal energies and connect with the higher realms to receive messages and answers to their questions.

Various techniques such as tarot reading, astrology, scrying, and other symbolic systems can be employed to interpret the signs, symbols, and patterns that emerge during the divination process. The purpose of hermetic divination is to gain deeper insights into one’s own path, make informed decisions, and navigate the complexities of life with a sense of clarity and spiritual guidance.

The Hermes-Thoth Symbiosis?

Hermes Trismegistus and Thoth aren’t simply mirror images in separate cultural pantheons; rather, they seem to be interconnected entities that hold great significance in different mythologies.

In Greco-Egyptian mythology, Hermes Trismegistus is a combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. This merging of deities symbolizes the merging of knowledge, wisdom, and communication. Hermes Trismegistus is often portrayed as a great teacher, a master of alchemy, and a guide to the spiritual realm. His teachings, recorded in the Hermetic texts, explore topics like the nature of reality, the workings of the universe, and the spiritual evolution of humanity.

Thoth, on the other hand, is an ancient Egyptian deity associated with writing, magic, and wisdom. He is depicted as a man with the head of an ibis, often holding a writing palette and the symbols of power and knowledge. Thoth played a crucial role in Egyptian mythology as the scribe of the gods, recording judgments and maintaining cosmic order. He was also believed to have invented writing and hieroglyphics, making him the patron god of scribes and scholars.

Although originating from different cultures and time periods, both Hermes Trismegistus and Thoth exemplify the importance of knowledge, wisdom, and communication in human existence. Their myths and teachings continue to inspire seekers of truth and enlightenment to this day. Whether one follows the philosophies of Hermes Trismegistus or admires the wisdom of Thoth, these ancient beings serve as powerful reminders of the ceaseless pursuit of knowledge and the profound impact it can have on our lives.

Both are but Archetypal metaphors for the Spirit,

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